Mommy is going to write the blog today! Phew...I think she will do them from now on. I don't know who had the bright idea to have a newborn write a blog.
Juliana turned 2 months yesterday. She had a check-up at the doctor today and other than getting a few unwanted shots, she did really well. She weighs 10lbs, 6 ounces and is nice and healthy and strong. The doctor even said she can fly now...maybe Joe will get the hint and take us on vacation. :-)
Here are a few different pictures from the past few days.

Lounging by the pool in a Bumble Bee outfit from Aunt Ginny and Uncle Glen!

Sleeping with her Best Buddy Oreo!

Last night we took Juliana to her first Met Game! It was hot at first but once the sun went down it was much more tolerable. She ended up sleeping most of the game but woke up towards the end a little. Too bad Santana forgot how to pitch and gave up 6 runs in the first inning. They tied it up eventually but then lost in 13 innings.

We got to see Beltran hit his first homerun after coming back from his surgery and also found Juliana's brick outside the stadium. I think we might have turned Cousin Maddie into a Met fan after last night!
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