Monday, May 31, 2010

Going Home

It's been a productive past two days for me. Yesterday all my grandparents came to see me in the hospital and my aunt Michelle. Grandma Pat brought me a very big bag of clothes to wear, including a pint sized bikini for when I go to the beach in Florida. Grandpa Joe bought me my first pair of diamond earrings and Aunt Michelle seemed a little jealous! She had to wait until she was grown up before she got her first pair.

In the afternoon Aunt Laura and Uncle Andy came to see me and they brought me more presents! Aunt Laura seemed like she was enjoying me in her arms just a little too much and daddy wouldn't be surprised if she decides to make me a little friend sooner than she was planning to. Grandma Pat and Uncle Andy spent most of the time playing with her fancy camera and talking about ISOs and spot metering. I didn't know what any of that means but they took some really nice pictures of me and my new family.

The night was pretty uneventful which was fine by me. I needed to get my rest because I had a very big day ahead of me. You guessed it, time for me to leave the hospital and go home for the first time! Daddy came early with a nice dress for me to wear that Grandma Gerry bought me. He also brought mommy an egg sandwich from Stuff-A-Bagel in Bethpage and was very upset that as usual the entire order was wrong. He called to complain and made them deliver him a new order. Everyone says that I should just get used to it, that's how he is.

At about noon my pediatrician came to check in on me and shortly after that we were on are way! I've never been in a car before. It was pretty neat. When we got home my grandparents were waiting to see me. We took more pictures and then I ate and slept. I'm getting tired from blogging so I think I'll wrap this entry up nap in my mommy's arms.

Juliana's route from hospital to home

Sunday, May 30, 2010

First Full Day

Yesterday was my first full day outside of mommy's belly. It was a pretty uneventful day for me. I mostly slept all day even when all these people came to see me. Sometimes mommy would have to wake me up to eat. Once everyone was gone, I opened my eyes and was staring at daddy. I know where I got my good looks from!

By the night time mommy was feeling better. In the morning she didn't like the pain medicine that the nurses gave her and she kept wanting to close her eyes. All the nurses had to rush to her side to wake her up, but they took good care of her all day after that! It's a good thing because when she wasn't feeling well I had to have a bottle and I prefer the real stuff!

Mommy says that I didn't want to wake up all night to be fed. I slept from 1 AM to 6 AM! Daddy says he hopes I keep this behavior up :-)