Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lake Placid

We visited Lake Placid in May for a fire department conference. It was a nice little trip away. Juliana really enjoyed the pool! There are lots more pictures on Joe's camera...hopefully I can add them here soon.

Walks with Daddy are exhausting!

I don't want to get out! :-(


We had a really nice Easter with both the Catalano's and the Nocerino's! It was a crazy day but so nice for all of us to be together.

Waiting to meet the Easter Bunny!

Searching for Easter eggs...I hope there are Cheerios in them!

Happy Girl

Say Cheeeeeese!

Clap, clap!

I am getting big!

Some miscellaneous pictures from 10-11 months old.

Walking with my lion

Learning to crawl up the steps.

This is why Daddy is not allowed to babysit. Guess what I did with this shake immediately after the picture?

I ended up with no clothes on...guess they had to be washed.

Beth and Jonathan's Wedding

It's been a long time since I have here is some catch up!

We traveled to FL for Beth and Jonathan's wedding in March. Here are some pictures from the weekend we spent there.

At the rehearsal dinner

Ummm...someone was supposed to be sleeping. I guess peekaboo was more fun.

Wearing Daddy's hat.

Happy Baby!


Riding a carousel for the first time.

All pretty in her dress.

Juliana and the beautiful Bride, Beth

Beth and Jonathan

Dancing with Aunt Michelle