This past week, I took my first trip outside of NY! We drove almost three hours (there was a ton of traffic) to Hidden Valley Ski Resort in New Jersey for the Google summer picnic. That green bracelet I have on is what I needed to get into the picnic! It was so big it only fit on my thigh.

On our way home, we were going to pick up Oreo at the Needham's house but they were out to dinner. When we drove by the house, this is what we saw....Oreo is very silly! He looks like a statue. I don't think he is supposed to be sitting there.
On Friday almost the whole family spent time snuggling on the couch...poor Daddy was doing work on his computer and couldn't join us.
Today we all went to the pool to try and stay cool during this crazy heat wave we are having. I took a nap by the pool and then did some floating on a raft with Daddy. It was a fun day, but now I am ready for bed! Thanks Grandma Noc for taking good care of me today while Mommy was being lazy in the pool!
