Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Weekly Update

Sorry I haven't written days are not really all that exciting. This past weekend, I enjoyed helping my Daddy celebrate his first Father's Day. After we had a yummy breakfast, Daddy opened his presents and I got him a book called "Daddy and Me"...I can't wait for him to read it to me when I am a little older. Later that day, all my grandparents and some of my aunts and uncles came over for a barbecue. I was happy to see them all!

Mommy is finally allowed to drive so we get to go out to visit people, go to the doctor and sometimes run into a store really quick. I like being out and about...I pretty much fall asleep in the car every time I am in it. My doctor's appointment this week went really well. I am finally gaining some weight now that I am getting formula and milk from Mommy! I always have a full belly and I now weight 7 pounds, 14 ounces. I gained a whole pound since I was born!

As promised here are some pictures from when Aunt Jesse came to visit. Don't I look cute?

Saturday, June 12, 2010

My First Bath

I have been quite busy the past two days. Yesterday I had an ultrasound on my hips. I really didn't like the man who was making my legs move where I did not want them to go, but in the end it all worked out because my hips are just fine! We could see on the screen that my hip is right where it should be and not dislocated at all.

After we got home, we had lots of visitors. The Needhams came again, Aunt Michelle and Aunt Kristen and Cousin Maddie were here too! Cousin Maddie is very lucky...she gets to eat peas and carrots and all I get is milk. I am very jealous of her. Although Mommy started feeding me something called Similac and I make funny faces whenever she gives it to me. It definitely tastes different than the other stuff she usually gives me. Hopefully the new stuff will help me grow a little!

Today was my first bath! It was not as bad as I thought it would be. I got my hair washed and when it was done I got to snuggle with my Daddy in a really soft towel! I was getting all pretty for Aunt Jesse to come over and take my picture. I got to wear a really cute dress and then I took some pictures in my diaper. It was fun and I can't wait for you all to see the pictures when they are ready! Here I am in the pretty dress I wore for my photo shoot.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

A Quick Update

Well, I figured I should update you all on how I made out at my doctor's appointments this week. I saw the orthopedist on Monday so that I could have my hip looked at. I was sooooo tired I slept through the whole appointment! I guess what the nice doctor did to my legs didn't really hurt because I never even woke up. He told my Mommy and Daddy that my hip seemed fine but that I need to have an ultrasound just to make sure. I go for that test tomorrow. I hope that doesn't hurt either.

On Tuesday, I went to see my pediatrician again. She says that I am too skinny! I only gained 1-2 ounces in five days which I guess is not enough. So Mommy has to feed me more and I have a week to gain some more weight. I hope I do because I really don't like the bottle! I much prefer to drink from Mommy. :-)

Other than seeing my doctors and trying to eat more, I have been pretty much sleeping most of the time. I do get to hang out with my new first he seemed scared by the changes of having me around, but I think he is coming around. He likes to sit by me when I sleep and comes rushing to my side if I cry. I hope as I get bigger we can hang out and play more. Right now we just sit near each other and make faces.

Well that's it for now. I hope to see you all soon. I like having visitors so come by if you would like. Most likely I will just sleep until it's time to eat again!

Sunday, June 6, 2010

Busy As A Bee

It's Sunday night and I can't believe a whole week has gone by since I left the hospital. Where do I start? First off let me express how deeply grateful I am that all of you are so interested in what I've been up to. Daddy told me that he got emails wanting to know why I hadn't posted a new entry. Now I feel a little pressure to make this update good!

As you can probably imagine my days consist mostly of sleeping (as evidenced by my photos that Grandma Catalano took), eating, and pooping. On average I try to eat every two to three hours. Mommy's baby book says that my stomach is about the size of an apricot so I can't hold too much of mommy's milk at one sitting. On Thursday I went to see Dr. Renna and I gained back four ounces of my birth weight which puts me at 6 lbs 12 oz. That's really good for less than a week and it made mommy happy to know that she's producing enough milk to keep me well fed.

The doctor's office is really nice. When I visit they take me straight to a room to keep me safe from all the sick kids in the waiting room. Daddy calls them little petri dishes. I don't know what that means. He's pretty strange! My first visit I got to wait in room 6 (also know as the Winnie the Pooh room). All the rooms have a theme, but only one is for stupid boys. It has comic book characters like spiderman and
batman. I have to go back on Tuesday for my next weigh in and I hope I get to see another room this time.

Not all the news was good at the doctor. Because I was breech for nine months (that means I was butt down) my feet were up by my head. This stretched my ligaments and the doctor thinks my hip might be a little dislocated. Tomorrow I have to see an orthopedist for it. It's apparently pretty common and the treatment is to wear a little brace at night to make sure my leg stays in place until the ligaments tighten up. When the doctor examined me on Thursday it made me cry so I'm not looking forward to tomorrow's visit!

On Friday we went to see mommy's doctor. She said everything looks good and took mommy's stitches out. She still has to wait two more weeks to drive but that's okay because I can't really go out much until I get my vaccines.

Other than that I've just been home waiting for visitors. So far the Needhams came to see me and Amy came with Emma. On Friday Aunt Kristen came with cousin Maddie and they brought Aunt Deborah and Uncle Sal. It's good that I was born second because I get to wear all of Maddie's pretty outfits that don't fit her anymore. Uncle Tom (Asta) came to see me on Tuesday and he brought mommy more pretty flowers. On Saturday I did my first Google Talk video chat with Uncle Tom Armstrong. He's enjoying his summer break and is planning to visit me later in the summer. Today Uncle Rob and Aunt Christy came to see me on their way to Levittown. Aunt Christy freaked out when I pooped in her arms. Mommy says when I fart it's almost as loud as daddy! Even Oreo gets startled when I do it. Uncle Michael came today on his way home from AC and seemed very tired from partying too much. And of course my grandparents came to see me a few times. Grandma Noc brought the biggest container of clothes I've ever seen and her and mommy had to sort through it to see what would fit me. It took them at least an hour!

Oh and I almost forgot, I went to Grandma Pats house and she kept the oldest carriage I've ever seen. Aunt Michelle makes fun of it and Grandpa calls it the "Cadillac of strollers" but it's seriously as old as my daddy. I have to see if I have a photo of it to post here. It's very comfortable to sleep in just like my bassinet.

If you're still reading this I'm impressed. This week I'll try to post more regularly to keep the posts shorter. I'm on my iPad right now so I can't post photos, but I'll update this from the computer tomorrow.

Time for bed!