Things have been a little busy my way these days. I have gone to lots of barbecues, had lots of visitors and even got to go in Grandpa Noc's pool for the first time. Grandma and Grandpa Cat, Aunt Michelle, Genellen and Dave, Janine and Eddie, Gina and Rich and The Needhams all stopped by...oh boy I am sure there are more, but it is hard to remember everyone! Uncle Tom Armstrong came to visit me for a few days too! Here are some pictures from my fun adventures.

On July 4, we went to Daddy's office in the city to watch some fireworks over the Hudson River. Daddy was very proud to show Uncle Tom his whole place before the show started. The ferris wheel we are standing by actually moves and is made out of knex (whatever those are)! From one of the Googler's offices, we were able to see the whole show and we were able to listen to the music on someone's laptop. It was a really good show and I can't wait to go back next year!

The next day, we went to a barbecue at Grandma and Grandpa Noc's house. This is where I got to go swimming with cousin Maddie and Oreo (although he really doesn't like it that much). It was just like my bath, but much bigger! The outfits Maddie and I have on are from Aunt Deborah and Uncle Sal!

On the last day Uncle Tom was here, we went back to the city to a big museum. We saw an IMAX show about the Hubble Satellite and the spaceships and then we saw Dinosaurs! I pretty much slept the whole time. Mommy says even the spaceship taking off during the movie didn't wake me up! After the museum, we drove to Astoria and had dinner with Uncle Jason. It was my first time meeting him and he was fun!
At the end of the week, we stopped by Aunt Laura and Uncle Andy's apartment and I met Gracie Louise. It seemed strange though because they didn't have any furniture and there was a really BIG truck in front of there house. Then I realized that they are moving and everyone was there to help them pack up! It was sad to say goodbye to them but I think we are going to go visit them at the end of the summer in their new home. That will be fun!