We spent the fourth of July in Florida this year. We had some great weather at the beginning of the week and really got to enjoy the pool and beach. Juliana loved the waves and being at the beach (unfortunately I have no pictures of being at the beach). Thanks Grandma and Grandma for letting us come to your beach and spend the week there!
Listening to Elmo's Song on the plane.

Playing in the little pool with lots of toys.
This is one of my favorite Juliana faces...she was excited to see something!
I think she may have discovered she can stick her finger up her nose
"Are you for real?"
Fun Times at the park in Vero Beach
Going down the slide.
Juliana LOVES to swing.
Baby in a basket was the hot dish of the day.
Staying cool in her favorite seat...the refrigerator.

As usual, climbing under a table.

We were waiting to leave for the airport and she just decided to get up and
start walking across the room.
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