I have been slacking big time on staying up-to-date with pictures. Last month, my sister Kristen gave birth to a healthy little peanut, Michael Frank Vitale. Juliana has been very intrigued by this new little person in her life. She loves spending time with her cousins and gets really excited whenever she gets to see Maddie! She also learned to crawl this month and has gotten in some new teeth. She sort of looks like a vampire with two teeth on the bottom and two fangs (lateral teeth) on the top. The middle top teeth are finally peeking through...good thing because she would look awfully silly with no front teeth on the top! Enjoy the pictures!

Kristen and Baby Michael at just a few days old in the NICU. He weighed in at about 4 lbs in this photo. He is home now and continues to gain weight and is getting bigger each day.

Big sister Madelyn and little brother Michael

Best Friends!

Learning to crawl for the first time

Joe's inspirational poster

This is their favorite...bathtime

These photos are the most recent we have of her from a few days ago. She sure is getting big!

Who needs toys when there are mirrors around!

Can you see those fangs on top?